Desk-Top Computing with the Sinclair QL, Miles Barry

Desk-Top Computing with the Sinclair QL
(meer info)
About the Sinclair QL series.. The Sinclair QL-Quantum Leap- is probably the most significant new computer to be launched in recent years. Its performance and technical specifications are astounding and comparable to machines several times the cost. Moreover, it is a machine which appeals to the hobbyist and businessman alike and its superb software allows it to be used extensively either in the home or in the office. This series of books has been designed to provide the Sinclair QL owner with practical down-to-earth information about his machine- from the very introductory level, through to advanced programming techniques and professional business uses. About this book. The Sinclair QL can be used both for home use and for business use. This book, Desk-top Computing with the Sinclair QL, shows just what can be archieved in business computing using the Sinclair QL. It explains clearly what the user can do with Sinclair's four software packages: the QL Quill for word processing, the QL Abacus for financial calculations, the QL Archive for database mangagement and the QL Easel for business graphics. This book assumes no prior computing knowledge and provides an excellent introduction to desk-top computng for the newcomer to the Sinclair QL. About the series editor. Robin Bradbeer has a wide experience of microcomputing. As well as being one-time editor of Educational Computing, he was involved in the start up of Computer and Video Games and Sinclair Projects. He is author, amongst other titles, of The Personal Computer Book (Gower) and co-author of the highly successful The Computer Book (BBC Publications). He has recently set up his own microcomputer consultancy company and is a regular contributor to computer magazines and to broadcasting.